Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based approach that helps us find peace with food through learning how to reject diet culture and nourish our body according to what feels best for us as an individual with individual needs. Intuitive Eating is not a diet; it does not give rigid rules. I use my Intuitive Eating certification, combined with my extensive knowledge of anxiety, depression and trauma, to help you end the preoccupation with food. We use Intuitive Eating as one tool to uncover the rules you may currently be eating by, increase your awareness of your body and the signals it gives you, examine the messages you've received about food and your body and to develop strategies for moving toward food freedom.
I approach my work from a weight inclusive, fat positive lens. This means all bodies are welcome and respected in my practice. It means that we work from the belief that the pursuit of weight loss causes harm and challenge any beliefs you may hold that your weight/body/shape are your fault and something to be ‘fixed’. It also means that we discuss health as it relates to meaning for you. Health to you may mean a focus on emotional wellbeing and entering therapy to have support in your efforts to stop dieting and learn new ways of being safely present in your body. Together we’ll explore how it feels best to you to honor your body and its needs.
Health at Every Size®
Yoga Philosophy
Yogic philosophy is grounded in the idea that our bodies and minds are connected. We experience this throughout our days, from our stomach responding to anxiety to our body buzzing with excitement. Yoga, composed not just of the physical practice (asana), but also pranayama (breath control) and meditation, can provide support to our efforts to bring healing and joy to our lives. It's also a well-researched intervention in the treatment of trauma. When practiced gently and thoughtfully, yoga can be a safe way to help you be present in your body and learn how to become partners with it, leaving behind shame and distrust. Bessel Van Der Kolk M.D., author of The Body Keeps the Score said it well "Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts."
Decide what health means to you.