Posts in Intuitive Eating
Knowing v. 'Knowing' with Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size

“I get it (intuitive eating, health at every size, food freedom), but I don’t get it”. Translation: “intellectually I understand the concept, but experientially I’m at a loss.” This feels SO hard. So hard because we can know and understand the evidence that supports Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size, but feel clueless as to how to make it feel true and put the concepts into practice.

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Tolerating Discomfort with Intuitive Eating (the bloat kind and the feelings kind)

Okay, so we’re post-Thanksgiving and middle-holiday season. A normal response (that we’ve been conditioned to believe is a bad way our body responds to evil food) is to sometimes get bloated. It can trigger a reaction in us that induces guilt, pushes us to start planning how we’re going to adjust our eating to ‘fix’ it, and makes us feel like we did something wrong. Our heads can be scary places after (what are normal) experiences of eating past fullness. 

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Intuitive Eating & Vulnerability (and the false promise weight loss offers)

Weight loss efforts are appealing for so many reasons. The one that gets a lot of attention is the end result-the promise of a body that will make you feel proud, a body that will make all of the other things you worry about somehow cease to exist (or at least cause less worry), a body that is the body you were meant to have. All of which are appealing as hell when we’re spiraling, deeply ashamed of our body. And all of which we realize after a ‘successful’ weight loss effort are actually totally false. 

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Joie De Vivre

I often think of this phrase as I see people begin to heal their relationship with food. When we’re stuck in the painful, endless cycle of binge/shame/restrict, our joie de vivre is squashed. There is very limited ability to delight in the joy of being alive when your mind is endlessly screaming at you about eating (either for being ‘bad’ or screaming to keep it together and eat perfectly), not having it (your body) together, and generally feeling a sense of unease.

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